Posts Tagged ‘hen night games ideas’

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  • There are many hen night games ideas available for the hostess to choose from. The hostess of the hen’s night, which is usually the maid or matron of honor, should carefully plan the activities of the evening. The number of guests, personality of the guests and venue for the party should all be factors in deciding what activities should occur during the evening. The goal is to make sure the party is successful by being fun and allowing everyone to comfortably participate in the evening. With a little planning and some research into hen night games ideas, this can be a fairly easy feat to accomplish.

    Hen Night Accessories

    A good rule of thumb is to plan approximately three to four games and organized events for the evening. It is also a good idea to have a few alternates on hand just in case there’s a need to liven up the party at some point. But, there should also be some free time for people to sit quietly with the bride and have a one on one conversation or socialize among one another. You don’t want the party to be completely regimented but you do want to have a little structure so there’s a bit of organization. Spacing out the games throughout the part is a great way to do this. You can take some time to explain the game, play the game and then have some post game laughs while people take that time to eat, drink and socialize.

    After awhile, though, it may be time to indulge in some more hen night games ideas. It’s a good plan to mix in a few different types of games. For example, try a race of some sort. A balloon passing game is a good way to get everyone involved and encourage a bit of a competitive spirit. Perhaps a contest of some sort will also be a great way to get everyone working together. A poetry writing contest is one of the most fun ways to get everyone involved especially if you work in teams to complete a heartfelt, funny or even bawdy poem for the bride. She will then also have a great memento of the occasion.

    After some races and contests, it may be time to step up the adventure just a tad. As the evening progresses and people start to get more comfortable, some of the more risqué games can be played. This is especially true if there’s drinking involved and people start to lose their inhibitions. Adding in some drinking games near the end of the evening is a great way to get to know the people at the party and even perhaps put them into some embarrassing situations for the fun and enjoyment of the whole crowd.

    When choosing hen night games ideas, make sure you have a good variety and take into consideration the people in attendance. You want everyone to have a good time and participate while being comfortable. Your ultimate goal, though, is to ensure the bride has a memorable send off to her new marriage during her last night of freedom.

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