• When planning a hen party budget is almost always a consideration.  With the expense of a wedding including parties, gifts and wedding attire, it is no wonder so many people want to try to save some money where they can.  However, everyone wants the bride to have a spectacular time at her party since it will be an event she will remember and cherish forever.  Therefore free hens party games are the perfect solution to help out in the budget department.  Not only will the bride and all the attendees have a wonderful time but the hostess of the party will also be able to save some money.

    There are a lot of free hens party games that can be played throughout the evening so everyone has a great time.  They take little to no money but can be very useful in keeping the party spirit going.  Some of them may take a little imagination, creativity and effort.  But you won’t be spending a lot of money and will still be able to have a successful evening where everyone has fun and enjoys themselves.  People will be talking about the party and how wonderful it was for years to come with a little research and planning to come up with free hens party games.

    Hen Night Accessories

    Some of the best free hens party games are:

    •    Banned Words – Make a list of words that can not be uttered during the duration of the party.  Every time someone utters a banned word, they have to take a drink, pay a fine or do a dare.
    •    I Never –One person starts by saying, “I never…” and then comes up with something she has never done.  If anyone in the group has done it, they have to drink.  This is one of those free hens party games that is a great way to get to know the guests at the party.
    •    Truth or Dare – No hen party is complete without this classic game!  Choose a truth or a dare but if you refuse to do it, you have to pay the consequences.
    •     Ugliest picture – With a little pre party planning, this can really be pulled off.  Each person is tasked with trying to dig up the ugliest possible picture of the groom they can find.  When everyone rates the pictures and the worst is determined, the bride has to “show off” her groom to everyone she sees.
    •    Write a Poem – Break up into teams and write the best possible ode to the bride and her marriage.  This can be funny or serious and the bride will have something to keep after the party.
    Regardless of the free hens party games you choose, there will be something to entertain all the guests.  With a little pre party planning and some imagination, there is no reason at all why there has to be a lot of expense that goes into the games portion of the evening.  In fact, you can have a  choice of several games without even spending a dime.  Nobody will have any idea that you didn’t spend a fortune.

    © 2009, Hen Party Games. All rights reserved.

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