• It may seem like a simple thing, picking out fun hen night games, but it’s actually serious business. You are responsible for ensuring everyone has a great time and the bride is sent off to the wedding with a smile on her face and lasting memories. This is a time that will be remembered by everyone who is in attendance and it is important to pick the most fun hen night games possible so everyone has an enjoyable time. Take the time to know who will be invited to the hen night and if possible learn a little about each lady’s personality. This way you can cater to as many people’s tastes as possible when deciding on fun hen night games.

    Fun hen night games are important because it keeps the party going and keeps everyone entertained. While it is equally important to have some free time where everyone can socialize and do their own thing, fun hen night games will allow everyone to come together as a group. New friendships will be established and old friends will continue to bond. It is the perfect time to celebrate the bride and her upcoming marriage and to let her know how much she means to you. Send her off to her wedding after having a great last night of freedom.

    Hen Night Accessories

    When considering which fun hen night games to play at the event, try to get a balance of tamer games as well as bawdier games. This is especially true of there will be drinking involved in the party. Even the most sedate will usually loosen up a bit after a few drinks, so save to more adventurous fun hen night games for the end of the evening when everyone has lost a little of their inhibitions. To start off with, though, choose some team building games, relay races or creative contests. End the night with some drinking games, risqué games and the classic Truth or Dare.

    If you have a mix of personalities in the crowd, try a few games like a balloon race, scavenger or treasure hunt and poetry contests. These games will get everyone working together but in a competitive spirit. It can really get the party started on a positive note. Make sure to have some trinkets on hand to give out as prizes for the winners and also so they have a memento of the evening after the party. Near the end of the evening, getting to know you games and challenges are fun. Drinking games such as “I Never” are a great way to get to know the people at the event and have some fun.

    It is important to make sure you have plenty of fun hen night games on hand to keep the party atmosphere going throughout the night. Remember that this is supposed to be the bride’s last night of freedom so you want to make it a night to remember. Whether she is looking for a more classy, elegant time or a night on the town cutting up, there are plenty of fun hen night games to play to accommodate her wishes.

    © 2009, Hen Party Games. All rights reserved.

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