Posts Tagged ‘hen party’

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  • When it comes time to plan for games for hen party, there are many options available.  Traditional games for hen party activities include drinking games, contests, races and quiz games.  It is one of the best ways to get everyone at the party talking and having fun.  The bride to be will have a great time and appreciate the thought and effort that went into creating the perfect night of fun and frolic for her.  She will be sure to have a wonderful time without having to worry about anything because the hostess will have all the games for hen party play taken care of.

    Hen Night Accessories

    If you have a group of adventurous women going out, games for hen party can be really fun.  Drinking games can be especially fun for those who are willing to cut up a little and have a bit of bawdy fun.  Truth or Dare, Challenge and I Never are traditional games for hen party that generally include drinking.  Truth or Dare and Challenge are basically the same game except in Challenge there are only dares or challenges whereas in Truth or Dare there are also questions the asker needs to answer honestly.  The more people drink and loosen up, the more apt they are to come up with great dares and questions and the more willing the other will be to comply.

    I Never is a true drinking game where the first person starts off making a statement that starts with “I never” and then continues.  For example, “I never went skinny dipping”.  If this statement is also true for the others, they do nothing but if it is false, the people who went skinny dipping have to take a drink.  This is a really fun way to get to know some of the hidden secrets of the people in the group.

    Traditional games for hen party also include contests and races.  Games such as a balloon race or Pin the Male on the Model are fun games that bring out some competitive spirit.  Contests such as a poetry writing contest or Ugliest Picture are also fun and entertaining games.  A treasure or scavenger hunt is a great way to build team work and have everyone come together as a group to have some fun while competing.  Quizzes such as Quiz the Bride are a fun way to get the creative juices flowing and to see just how well the bride knows her intended.

    When planning games for hen party, choose three or four various types so that everyone in the group feels included and is comfortable.  With a little planning, everyone is sure to leave the party feeling great and having a wonderful time.  Make sure nobody overdoes it as far as drinking because you don’t want to have a group of hung over women at the wedding the next day but still have some fun.  Don’t forget to take pictures of the various activities as the bride and guests will appreciate having the pictures as mementos for the enjoyable evening that was had by all on the brides last day of freedom.

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  • There are a lot more games to play at hens night than one might think. When you are thinking about hosting a hen night, one of the considerations is the type of games that should be played to keep the guests entertained. The games to play at hens night is one of the ways guests can break the ice and start to have fun during the time. You want to be sure your games are fun and engaging so everyone gets involved. There are numerous games from which to choose to make your hen party exciting.

    Hen Night Accessories

    Games to play at hens night can range from the sedate to the bawdy depending on where you will be going and who is involved in the party. For those who are going out on the town for a night of drinking with a bunch of close girl friends, the bawdier games might be a great idea. Some of the games to play at hens night include Truth or Dare or a naughty scavenger hunt. These games can get a little risqué but they are certainly a lot of fun and will be remembered by all.

    Truth or Dare, one of the games to play at hens night, is where one of the friends asks another, “Truth or dare?” If the friend replies, “Truth” she has to answer a question of the asker’s choice as truthfully as possible. If she replies, “Dare” then she has to do a task of the asker’s choosing. This is where it can get a little embarrassing as the dares can be anything, especially if the games to play at hens night are done at a bar or tavern with other people around. For a sexy scavenger hunt, items can be placed around with clues on where to find them. The team or person with the most wins a prize. This is one of the games to play at hens night that has numerous possibilities.

    Drinking games are always a hit as games to play at hens night. Not only will you have fun drinking but the more you drink, the less inhibited you tend to get. This leads to some pretty wild dares and bawdy games to play at hens night. Challenge and consequences is a great drinking game. This is similar to one of the other games to play at hens night, Truth or Dare, but with a slight twist. One person challenges another by saying, “I challenge you to,” and then states the challenge. If the other person accepts the challenge, she has to do it. If she does not accept the challenge she has to take a drink. If the person challenging successfully goes through with one, it’s the person who was challenged who gets to go next. Otherwise, it stays the challenger’s turn.

    Games to play at hens night are designed to be fun and interactive. Everyone at the party should be having a good time, especially the bride to be. When going out on the town and wanting some more risqué games to play at hens night, try Truth or Dare, Challenge or a sexy Scavenger Hunt.

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  • Hen Night Accessories

    If you are the maid of honor in a bridal party, it is traditionally your role to throw a hen night for the bride. This evening is supposed to be her last night of freedom so often it can get a bit rowdy but everyone is sure to have a great time. You can either have a hen night in a private home where everyone gathers to have some food, drink and socialize. Or, you can go out on the town to go to several clubs or bars and have some fun there. Regardless of which option you choose, there is one tradition that is constant. Choosing games to play on a hen night is a fun and exciting part of the evening and is sure to make the party complete. But which games to play on a hen night?

    You should take a little time to research which games to play on a hen night are available and take some time to learn the rules before deciding. Three or four games to play on a hen night should be sufficient to keep the party rolling yet still leave plenty of unstructured free time for the guests to socialize and do as they wish. Before deciding on which games to play on a hen night, take into consideration who will be attending and get an idea of their personalities. If it is going to be a bawdy girls night out, there are several games to play on a hen night that will accommodate this. If you are looking for a more sedate time, other games may be more appropriate.

    For a bawdy time, some of the games to play on a hen night include Truth or Dare, Challenge, Naughty Scavenger Hunt and Pin the Male on the Model. These games to play on a hen night are all designed for the more adventurous spirits and those who are shy may feel uncomfortable playing them. Not to worry, though, after a few drinks most everyone loses their inhibitions and they will be ready to play in no time.

    For a more sedate crowd or a more formal gathering, there are games to play on a hen night that will accommodate those tastes too. List of advice for the Bride, Forbidden Words, Poem Writing Contest and Relay Games are good choices for the less adventurous crowds. Everyone is still sure to have a great time but these games are more suited to a calmer evening at home. It is also a great idea to mix and match a few games so everyone will be sure to have fun.

    Hosting a hen night can be a lot of fun but it takes some effort and planning to accommodate everyone’s tastes. With a little planning and research, though, you will be sure to choose games to play on a hen night that will be sure to please everyone. The bride and all the guests will have a memorable time and some fun stories to talk about for years to come.

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  • One of the most fun parts of a wedding is the party before.  A hens night is the perfect end to bachelorette days and a great time to bond with friends and family while cutting up a bit.  During a traditional hens night there is usually some drinking going on, maybe some dancing, good food, good friends and most importantly some party games.  It is great to have fun with games for hens night.  There are many ideas you can use to come up with the perfect mix of fun and ice breakers to keep the party rolling.

    One of the favorite games for hens night is a game called Banned Words.  This is a game that is generally started at the beginning of the evening.  The rules are explained and the consequences established.  Once everyone understands then the game commences and continues through the end of the evening.  The rules of the game are pretty simple.  The hostess of the party thinks of some common words or phrased she thinks may be used a lot during the night.  She then bans them from use.  Words such as “wedding”, “marriage” and “husband” are great choices in words to be banned but they can be just about anything.  If someone gets caught using one of those words throughout the night, they have to pay the consequences.

    Consequences can be anything from having to take a drink to paying a fine or doing a dare.  Use your imagination to come up with something fun that will be enjoyable for all.  Another of the great games for hens night is a bit of a bawdier game that is perfect for in home parties.  Make a Man is a cooperative game that can be done using teams or individuals if it is a small party.  Each person or team is given a lump of clay and a designated male body part.  Without looking at each other or talking they have to mold the man out of clay.

    Each body part is then given to the bride for assembly into a complete man.  This can be really funny as nobody discussed sizes.  So the end result can be a pretty hilarious sculpture.  Make sure to take a picture for posterity!  This is one of those games for hens night that is enjoyable for all and can be really funny.  It also promotes teamwork if everyone is working in groups.

    Choosing fun games for hens night is a perfect way to ensure the bride and all the guests have a good time during the event.  When choosing the games for hens night, make sure to consider where you will be having it and who will be showing up for the party.  Cater to the guests and the bride by ensuring you have a few varieties of games, contests, races and quizzes to participate in.  By the end of the evening, everyone will be laughing and light hearted.  The bride will have a great memory of her last night of freedom.

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  • When considering what games to play on hen night, there are several things that should be taken into consideration. How many guests will there be? Are you having this in your home or are you going out? Is this going to be a one night party or span the weekend? Who are you going to invite? Will there be a theme? There is a lot to think about and the task may seem like a rather daunting one. However with some planning and organization, you can get your hen party complete in no time and ensure everyone will have fun with the games to play on hen night.

    There are a lot of games to play on hen night from which to choose. If you are having an entire weekend event, you can come up with several of the various games that can be played throughout the weekend at different times. If it is a single night, though, it is advisable to have three or four games to play on hen night to fill the evening but also be sure to leave some room for free time so everyone gets to socialize at their own pace and perhaps get some one on one time with the bride.

    The number of guests will also play a part in determining which games to play on hen night. If it is going to be an exceptionally large party, individual games may not be the best choice. Anything that requires taking turns for each person may take a little too long to accomplish and there will be a lot of people waiting around for their turn. Instead, try team games that will go a little faster and get everyone involved. Nobody will be left out and nobody will be bored.

    Depending on the venue, this may also affect what games to play on hen night. For an in house party most of the games can be played as long as it only involves the people immediately in the home. Any game that relies on strangers coming and going or dares where others may be involved are not as fun at home than in a public space. Likewise, there are games to play on hen night that are not suited for public because of space generally or sometimes because they are too risqué for the public. Races and relays are difficult to accomplish in a bar simply because there is not enough room to accomplish them. If you are playing a rather lewd game, you may run the risk of offending someone at the bar so tread carefully.

    There are a lot of considerations that go into deciding on what games to play on hen night. With a little fore thought and planning, though, you can come up with the most appropriate games to suit the evening. It may seem like a rather daunting task but as you start to think about it, some games will just seem to fit while others will not. You will be sure to have a successful party with a little planning.

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  • There are so many things to plan when dealing with a wedding that the bride to be will be very thankful when her friends step up to the plate to take care of hen party activities. The bride to be will be sure to appreciate her closest friends and family taking over the responsibility of planning the best fun games for hen nights available so everyone has a great time and enjoys themselves. Planning the night can be a bit stressful but having a ready list of some of the most fun games for hen nights is a great start in ensuring it all goes successfully.

    Some of the fun games for hen nights include the following:

    Truth or Dare – This classic game is perfect for either a quiet, elegant evening at home or a bawdy night on the town. You will just need to scale back the types of questions asked depending on the venue and the guests.

    Challenge – This is one of the games for hen nights that are a bit more suited to the more adventurous types. It is similar to Truth or Dare except that in Challenge, there are only dares.

    Scavenger Hunt – Break everyone up into teams and go looking for items on a list. You can make this as tame or risqué as you would like. You can either make a list of items or clues that will give you an idea of what the item is.

    Write a Poem Contest – This is another one of the great games for hen nights that involves teams. You break up into teams and compose a poem. It can be heartfelt and sincere, funny or a bit lewd depending on your taste. The teams will then read aloud their finished product to the bride and she will choose a winner. The winning team gets a prize. The bride gets a keepsake book of all her original poems.

    Banned Words – This is one of those games for hen nights that last all night so it’s a great one to start off with. Choose a few words or sayings such as “wedding” and “groom” that can not be said for the duration of the party. If someone says it, they have to pay a consequence such as drink a shot, pay a fine or do a dare.

    Pin the Male on the Model – This is a bit of a risqué game where there is a poster of a good looking male model who isn’t wearing anything. Instead of a tail as in Pin the Tail on the Donkey, each person has the model’s “maleness”. While blindfolded, each person tries to put it in the right place. The one who is closest gets a prize.

    There are many games for hen nights that can be played and the above list is just a start for a few ideas. Make sure you do some planning and research to ensure your event goes off without a hitch and that everyone has an enjoyable time. With a little imagination and a few party games to play, it should be a great night.

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  • Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with exciting games for a hens night. However, there are many ideas from which you can choose that will help you out in planning the ideal party. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas for games for a hens night, there are several below for selection. In addition to the games shown, you can also get ideas from others who have planned a hens night including friends and family. You can also look on the Internet or in bridal magazines for other ideas.

    If you are having some trouble finding games for a hens night, a good idea is to incorporate getting advice into the party. With the invitations, require each person to come up with an idea for games for a hens night. Write all the ideas down on individual cards as they come in. You can put them all in a hat and pick one, two or more each time. You can then give a prize to the person who thought of the game as well as have fun playing it through the course of the evening. You can let each person submit as many games as they want so you have a whole group of ideas for games for a hens night.

    If you don’t want to randomly choose games for a hens night, you can have a contest. Have each person pick their favorite games for a hens night that they brought and give a brief presentation to the party, explaining the rules of the game, where they came up with it and why it is fun. They can even demonstrate portions of the game if they want. Make each person really sell their idea to the group. This alone can get really funny as the guests try their best sales pitch on the party.

    When everyone is done presenting their game, then pass out ballots. Each person has to vote on which game they want to play based on how effective the presentation was. The only rule is that you can not vote on your own game! This ensures that not everyone will simply vote for their own games for a hens night but there will be a clear winner. Have the bride to be count the ballots out lout while someone else keeps score. The bride to be can make this very dramatic if she chooses.

    Once a winner is declared, that person gets a prize for coming up with the best games for a hens night idea. But the most fun is yet to come when everyone gets to actually play the game. If you had a few great ideas for games for a hens night, you can have a second and third place finisher. Each one gets a slightly smaller prize but everyone will get to enjoy playing the games throughout the night. This is a great way to recruit everyone in the planning process of the party as well as get great ideas. Having games for a hens night will make the night be even more fun.

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