• There are a lot more games to play at hens night than one might think. When you are thinking about hosting a hen night, one of the considerations is the type of games that should be played to keep the guests entertained. The games to play at hens night is one of the ways guests can break the ice and start to have fun during the time. You want to be sure your games are fun and engaging so everyone gets involved. There are numerous games from which to choose to make your hen party exciting.

    Games to play at hens night can range from the sedate to the bawdy depending on where you will be going and who is involved in the party. For those who are going out on the town for a night of drinking with a bunch of close girl friends, the bawdier games might be a great idea. Some of the games to play at hens night include Truth or Dare or a naughty scavenger hunt. These games can get a little risqué but they are certainly a lot of fun and will be remembered by all.

    Truth or Dare, one of the games to play at hens night, is where one of the friends asks another, “Truth or dare?” If the friend replies, “Truth” she has to answer a question of the asker’s choice as truthfully as possible. If she replies, “Dare” then she has to do a task of the asker’s choosing. This is where it can get a little embarrassing as the dares can be anything, especially if the games to play at hens night are done at a bar or tavern with other people around. For a sexy scavenger hunt, items can be placed around with clues on where to find them. The team or person with the most wins a prize. This is one of the games to play at hens night that has numerous possibilities.

    Drinking games are always a hit as games to play at hens night. Not only will you have fun drinking but the more you drink, the less inhibited you tend to get. This leads to some pretty wild dares and bawdy games to play at hens night. Challenge and consequences is a great drinking game. This is similar to one of the other games to play at hens night, Truth or Dare, but with a slight twist. One person challenges another by saying, “I challenge you to,” and then states the challenge. If the other person accepts the challenge, she has to do it. If she does not accept the challenge she has to take a drink. If the person challenging successfully goes through with one, it’s the person who was challenged who gets to go next. Otherwise, it stays the challenger’s turn.

    Games to play at hens night are designed to be fun and interactive. Everyone at the party should be having a good time, especially the bride to be. When going out on the town and wanting some more risqué games to play at hens night, try Truth or Dare, Challenge or a sexy Scavenger Hunt.

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